Akhia Karaitiana

Sales Manager (APAC)

Akhia Karaitiana is an accomplished Sales Manager with extensive experience in the APAC region. With over a decade of experience in the software industry, Akhia has a strong track record of delivering results and driving growth.

Prior to joining Metrix, Akhia held senior sales positions at several leading technology companies, where he was responsible for managing and growing the company’s business in the APAC region. He is a skilled negotiator and has a proven ability to build and maintain strong relationships with customers and partners.

At Metrix, Akhia leads the APAC sales team and is responsible for driving revenue growth in the region. He is passionate about helping customers achieve their goals through innovative technology solutions and is committed to delivering exceptional customer experiences.

Akhia’s expertise in sales and business development is complemented by his deep knowledge of the technology industry. He is an avid learner and keeps abreast of the latest trends and developments in the industry. In his free time, Akhia enjoys his cars and exploring new places.

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